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Read alignment

Table of contents
  1. Genome files
  2. Mapping of reads to the genome using minimap2

Genome files

  • Genome FASTA and GFF3 files have been downloaded from GenBank
  • Transcript file was made using gffread with gffread microbepore/data/genome/NC_000913.3.gff -g microbepore/data/genome/NC_000913.3.fasta -w microbepore/data/genome/NC_000913.3.transcripts.fasta

Mapping of reads to the genome using minimap2

  • Files were mapped to the reference genome from Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 (GenBank: U00096.3) using minimap2 (Release 2.18-r1015)
  • Output alignments in the SAM format were generated with -ax splice -k14 for Nanopore cDNA-seq and -ax splice, -uf, -k14 for DRS with i) -p 0.99, to return primary and secondary mappings and ii) with --MD, to include the MD tag for calculating mapping identities
  • Alignment files were further converted to BAM files, sorted and indexed using [SAMtools(
  • To analyse single reads in more detail with respect to the RNA type (mRNA, rRNA, other ncRNA, unspecified) they map to, BAM files were first converted back to FASTQ using bedtools v2.29.2
  • Next FASTQ files were remapped to a transcriptome file using minimap2 with the previously mentioned parameters to assign single read names with feature IDs
# files
input=microbepore/data/FASTQ/normal # input directory with all merged FASTQ files, 1 for each barcode or single DRS run
fasta=microbepore/data/genome/NC_000913.3.fasta # downloaded from GenBank
transcripts=microbepore/data/genomeNC_000913.3.transcripts.fasta # transcripts file made using gffread

# Mapping & Remapping - loop through all FASTQs
for file in ${input}/*/*.fastq
  # folder and filenames
  foldername=$(echo ${f_ex} | cut -d"_" -f 1,2,3) # depending on how you name your files 
  # make directories
  mkdir microbepore/data/mapped/raw # direct output to mapped folder for raw reads
  mkdir microbepore/data/mapped/raw/${foldername} # run_id
  output=microbepore/data/mapped/raw/${foldername}/${filename} # run_id/barcode_id
  mkdir ${output}

  if [[ $filename =~ "RNA" ]]; 
  # align using minimap2
  minimap2 -ax splice -p 0.99 -uf -k14 --MD -t 8 ${fasta} ${file} > ${output}/${filename}.sam # DRS
    minimap2 -ax splice -p 0.99 -k14 --MD -t 8 ${fasta} ${file} > ${output}/${filename}.sam # (PCR-)cDNA
  # convert to sorted.bam file
  samtools view -bS ${output}/${filename}.sam -o ${output}/${filename}.bam
  samtools sort ${output}/${filename}.bam -o ${output}/${filename}.sorted.bam
  samtools index ${output}/${filename}.sorted.bam
  # bam to fastq for remapping of mapped reads
  bedtools bamtofastq -i ${output}/${filename}.sorted.bam -fq ${output}/${filename}.remapped.fastq
  # map again
  if [[ $filename =~ "RNA" ]]; 
  minimap2 -ax splice -p 0.99 -uf -k14 --MD -t 8 ${transcripts} ${output}/${filename}.remapped.fastq > ${output}/${filename}.remapped.sam
    minimap2 -ax splice -p 0.99 -k14 --MD -t 8 ${transcripts} ${output}/${filename}.remapped.fastq > ${output}/${filename}.remapped.sam
  # convert to sorted.bam file
  samtools view -bS ${output}/${filename}.remapped.sam -o ${output}/${filename}.remapped.bam
  samtools sort ${output}/${filename}.remapped.bam -o ${output}/${filename}.remapped.sorted.bam
  samtools index ${output}/${filename}.remapped.sorted.bam