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Detection of transcript boundaries

Table of contents
  1. 5´end detection
  2. 3´end detection

The determination of enriched 5´and 3´ends was carried out in the same way, but independently of each other, and is briefly explained in the following:

  • First, strand-specific read ends in bedgraph format were created from BAM files using bedtools genomecov (-5 or -3 option, -bga)
  • Next, the previously published Termseq_peaks script was used to call peaks for each sample individually without including replicates (
  • This script is based on scipy.signal.find_peaks, which is running in the background of Termseq_peaks with lenient parameters (prominence=(None,None), width=(1,None), rel_height=0.75)
  • However, we deliberately used Termseq_peaks since its ability to include replicates by applying an Irreproducible Discovery Rate method which can be applied to future studies
  • For end detection, only the leniently called peaks in the narrowPeak file were used after adding the number of counts for each position using bedtools intersect.

5´end detection

5´end peak calling was performed in the following way:


# perform tss detection for pychopper auto > cutadapt_polyA > SSP-cutadapt > clipped  or for raw mapped reads
for file in ${input}/trimmed/*/*/*clipped.sorted.bam # ||  for file in ${input}/raw/*/*/*.sorted.bam
  # file and folder names
  keyword=$(echo $filename_extended | cut -d"." -f 2)
  foldername=$(echo $filename_extended | cut -d"_" -f 1,2,3)
  # make directories
  mkdir microbepore/data/tss/trimmed
  mkdir microbepore/data/tss/trimmed/${foldername}
  mkdir ${output}

  # step 1: calculate 5´positions for plus and minus strand
  bedtools genomecov \
    -ibam ${file} \
    -bga \
    -5 \
    -strand + > ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph
  bedtools genomecov \
    -ibam ${file} \
    -bga \
    -5 \
    -strand - > ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph
  # step 2: termseq peaks
  termseq_peaks ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph --peaks ${output}/${filename}.plus.peaks --strand +
  termseq_peaks ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph --peaks ${output}/${filename}.minus.peaks --strand -
  # step 3: add coverage information
  bedtools intersect \
    -wao \
    -a ${output}/${filename} \
    -b ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph \
    > ${output}/${filename}
  bedtools intersect \
    -wao \
    -a ${output}/${filename} \
    -b ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph \
    > ${output}/${filename}


3´end detection

3´end peak calling was performed in the following way:


# perform tts detection for pychopper auto > cutadapt_polyA > SSP-cutadapt > clipped  or for raw mapped reads
for file in ${input}/trimmed/*/*/*clipped.sorted.bam # ||  for file in ${input}/raw/*/*/*.sorted.bam
  keyword=$(echo $filename_extended | cut -d"." -f 2)
  foldername=$(echo $filename_extended | cut -d"_" -f 1,2,3)
  echo ${filename}

  mkdir microbepore/data/tts/trimmed
  mkdir microbepore/data/tts/trimmed
  mkdir microbepore/data/tts/trimmed/${foldername}
  mkdir ${output}

  # step 1: calculate 3´positions for plus and minus strand
  bedtools genomecov \
    -ibam ${file} \
    -bga \
    -3 \
    -strand + > ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph
  bedtools genomecov \
    -ibam ${file} \
    -bga \
    -3 \
    -strand - > ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph
  # step 2: termseq peaks
  termseq_peaks ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph --peaks ${output}/${filename}.plus.peaks --strand +
    termseq_peaks ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph --peaks ${output}/${filename}.minus.peaks --strand -
  # step 3: add coverage information
  bedtools intersect \
    -wao \
    -a ${output}/${filename} \
    -b ${output}/${filename}.plus.bedgraph \
    > ${output}/${filename}
  bedtools intersect \
    -wao \
    -a ${output}/${filename} \
    -b ${output}/${filename}.minus.bedgraph \
    > ${output}/${filename}
